El Comercio de Colorado is an award-winning, biweekly, bilingual print and digital newspaper serving the diverse Latinx community from the Metro Denver and Northern Colorado regions.
Community News Network Award: $135,000 over three years to support Spanish-language coverage of a newly created congressional district in Northern Colorado, and a social media manager to strengthen digital distribution of this bi-weekly newspaper serving Latino Coloradans.
Community News Network 2022 Update: El Comercio de Colorado’s regional expansion project is focused on establishing a local community forum, joined by influencers and leaders in the region, to host a community conversation with regional candidates in Aurora, Greeley, Commerce City, and Thornton. The organization itself is grappling with the fallout of the closure of the Chieftain press, and has been working closely with the CPA-led Printing Working Group to explore potential solutions, in addition to making ongoing investments in improved SEO for their burgeoning digital presence. Their publisher, Jesus Melean-Sanchez, has also been engaging with the Colorado Department of Health to streamline processes for public agencies buying ads in his paper, and has lent his experience to several collaborative projects with other outlets serving Colorado’s Spanish-speaking communities.