Now more than ever, Colorado communities need innovative, cross-sector solutions to a number of interrelated "wicked problems" facing our democracy: The decline and fragmentation of local journalism, the deluge of digital disinformation, polarization of our civic dialogue, and widespread mistrust caused by vast inequity and a lack of common ground.
Since the summer of 2018, Colorado Media Project has served as a center of gravity for engaging a broad-based coalition of civic leaders, students, academics, philanthropists, journalists, business leaders, technologists, national thought leaders, and local residents in addressing, with urgency, the disturbing expansion of local news deserts and the negative impacts on Colorado and its residents.
A lookback on our impact and learning through 2021 is here; our 2022-2024 theory of change is here; and external analyses of CMP’s grantmaking and impact are here and here.
Mission: Colorado Media Project is a nonpartisan philanthropic initiative housed at Rose Community Foundation dedicated to supporting people, projects, and organizations working to build a healthier, more equitable, solutions-focused local news and information ecosystem for all Coloradans. Read about our supporters here.
Vision: We envision a future where all Coloradans have access to high-quality local news and information that they trust and use to learn about important issues facing their families, local communities, and the state; to engage with their neighbors and community; and to participate in democracy.
Colorado Media Project 2021 Grantees
Value Proposition: Colorado Media Project brings together multiple funders – local and national foundations, public funders and impact investors – to learn from innovators across Colorado and the U.S., to strategize together via a peer-funder network, and to leverage resources via pooled funds and co-funding to address big issues that extend beyond any single newsroom, organization, topic, sector or community. Within a dynamic ecosystem, we serves as a:
FUNDER: We pool funds and offer strategic grants to spur innovation and impact, equity, inclusion and resilience in Colorado’s local news and information ecosystem.
CATALYST: We support and facilitate catalytic, cross-sector conversations and connections that surface new and sustainable approaches to address gaps in Colorado’s local news and information ecosystem, combat mis/disinformation, and deepen civic participation.
ADVOCATE: We commission research, share learning, and leverage our collective influence to bring more knowledge, allies and resources and better public policies and professional practices into the movement to strengthen and reimagine local news and build a healthier, more solutions-focused public square.
Priorities: CMP leverages funding and resources to support Colorado communities as they build healthier local news and information ecosystems by impacting three priority areas:
Trusted Local News and Information: Greater access to high-quality, fact-based, nonpartisan local news and information on a range of important issues, providing Coloradans with critical information they want, trust, and need to engage in their communities, civic life, and democracy.
Equity and Inclusion: Greater equity and inclusion in how various players in Colorado’s local news and information ecosystem engage with and serve communities of color, linguistically diverse communities, rural communities, and other historically marginalized communities.
Sustainability and Efficiency: Stronger investment in independent, nonpartisan sources of local news and information by philanthropy, public funding sources, and news consumers – and more solutions that support efficient and sustainable community journalism, public data and information at the local level.
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